अगर आप एयरफोर्स y ग्रुप की तैयारी कर रहे है तो आपको इसके सिलेबस के बारे में जानना वहुत आवश्यक है उसके बाद ही आप एयरफोर्स y ग्रुप की तैयारी अच्छे एवं सटीक तरीके से कर पाएंगे यहाँ पर Airforce Y group syllabus तथा Exam Pattern , Marking Scheme , Eligibilty इत्यादि की जानकारी एक सरल तरीके से दी है –


Airforce Y group Online Test & Exam Pattern

y ग्रुप का एग्जाम में दो पेपर ऑनलाइन कंप्यूटर पर होंगे पहला – English का तथा दूसरा Reasoning and General Awareness(RAGA) होगा

इसमें प्रत्येक सही उत्तर का 1 नंबर दिया जायेगा तथा गलत उत्तर का -.25 नंबर काटा जायेगा . यानि कि अगर आपके चार उत्तर गलत जाते है तो एक सही नंबर आपका काट लिया जायेगा

Written Test :

  • English
  • Reasoning and General Awareness(RAGA)

Marking Scheme :

  • Correct Answer = 1 marks
  • Incorrect Answer= -.25 mark
English202045 Minutes
Reasoning and General Awareness(RAGA)3030

Airforce Y Group Syllabus


I. A short passage followed by four questions to test comprehension.
The questions will be set :

  1. To judge understanding of the passage.
  2. To draw inference
  3. To judge understanding of vocabulary

II. Grammar – 1

  1. Subject – verb concord
  2. Forms of verbs and errors in the use of verbs, etc.
  3. Sequence of tenses and errors in the use of tenses
  4. Transformation of sentences – Compound, Complex, Simple, Negative,
    Affirmative, Comparative degree, Positive degree, Superlative degree etc.

III. Grammar – 2

  1. Formation of words – Nouns from verbs and adjectives, Adjectives from nouns
    and verbs, Adverbs from adjectives etc
  2. Determiners
  3. The Preposition
  4. Nouns and Pronouns
  5. The Adjective
  6. The Adverb
  7. The Conjunction
  8. The Modals
  9. Clauses – Noun clauses, Adverb clauses of condition and time and Relative
    IV. Vocabulary
  10. Synonyms and Synonyms in context
  11. Antonyms and Antonyms in context
  12. One word substitution
  13. Spelling pitfalls
  14. Simple Idioms/phrases
  15. Words often confused/Selecting the correct word fitting in a sentence
    V. Narration (Direct and Indirect)
  16. Commands and requests
  17. Statements (Various tenses)
  18. Questions (Various forms of questions, tenses, etc.)
    VI. Voice (Active and Passive)
  19. Changes required under each tense.
  20. Other conditions for transforming Active into Passive
    (a) The Preposition
    (b) Modal auxiliaries
    (c) Infinitive
    (d) Participles
    VII. Jumbled Sentences
    Arrangement of jumbled sentences into meaningful ones.

Reasoning and General Awareness(RAGA)

(A) Reasoning (Verbal and Non-Verbal)
1.Numerical Series
2.Distance and Direction Sense Test
3.Mathematical Operations (Assigning Value to Arithmetic Sign)
4.Number Ranking & Time Sequence Test
5.Assign Artificial Values to Mathematical Digit
6.Inserting Correct Mathematical Digit
7.Human Relation
8.Coding and Decoding
9.Odd Man Out
10.Mutual Relation Problem
11.Tallest Youngest Relation
12.Dictionary Words
14.Non Verbal Reasoning
15.Number Coding
16.Number Puzzle

(B) Mathematics
1.Ratio and proportion
4.Profit and Loss
5.Time, Distance and Speed
7.Simplification of Numbers
9.Area of Triangle, Square and Rectangle
10.Surface area and Volume of Cuboid, Cylinder, Cone and Sphere
12.Simple Trigonometry

(C) General Knowledge and Current Affairs
1.General Science
4.Current Events
6.Basic Computer Operation

Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

  • 1.6 Km run to be completed in 6.5 minutes.
  • 10 Pushups
  • 10 Sit-ups
  • 20 Squats