Hi Friends! Do you want to know the shortcut keys of LibreOffice Calc then you are at the right place. Will post me share most important libreoffice calc shortcut keys related to ccc exam.

libreoffice calc shortcut keys

What is CCC?

CCC stands for Course on Computer Concepts. It is a certification program offered by the National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT), formerly known as DOEACC Society. CCC aims to equip individuals with essential computer skills required for everyday use and to facilitate digital literacy.

LibreOffice Calc Shortcut Keys – CCC Exam Important


Shortcut Keys



Select all worksheet


Move cursor to the first cell of the current row


Move the cursor to the last edited cell of the current row


Move the cursor to the first cell of the sheet


Move the cursor to the last edited cell of the sheet


Insert Cells


Delete Cells

Ctrl + ;

 Insert Date

Shift + Ctrl + ;

Insert Time



Ctrl + Shift + O

Print Preview



Ctrl + Shift + S

Save as

Ctrl + Alt + Enter

Create New line in cell

Ctrl + Tab

Go to Next Sheet

Shift + Ctrl + Tab

Go to Previous Sheet

Ctrl + Alt + C

Insert Comment

Ctrl + K

Insert Hyperlink

Ctrl +

Move the cursor to the right edge of the current data range.

Ctrl +

Move the cursor to the left edge of the current data range.

Ctrl + Shift +

Select all the containing data from current cell to the right

Ctrl + Shift +

Select all the containing data from current cell to the left

Ctrl + Shift +

Select all the containing data from current cell to the top

Ctrl + Shift +

Select all the containing data from current cell to the bottom




Edit the active cell

Ctrl + F2

Open the function wizard

Alt +

Increase the width of the current column

Alt +

Decrease the width of the current column


Navigator Show/Hide


Check Spelling in the current sheet


Group the selected data range

Ctrl + F12

Ungroup the selected data range

Ctrl + Shift + 1

Format as number

Ctrl + Shift + 2

Standard Exponential Format

Ctrl + Shift + 3

Format as date

Ctrl + Shift + 4

Format as currency

Ctrl + Shift + 5

Format as Percent

Ctrl + Shift + 6


Ctrl + F5

Show/Hide Side bar

Ctrl + Q

Exit LibreOffice

Ctrl + Shift + N

Insert a new Template

Ctrl + W

Close the Calc window



Ctrl + Shift + J

View Full Screen

Why use Shortcut Keys

Knowing shortcut keys for computers or software like LibreOffice is essential for several reasons:

  1. Efficiency: Shortcut keys allow users to perform tasks quickly, saving time and improving efficiency. Instead of navigating through menus and options, users can directly access functions with a few keystrokes.
  2. Productivity: By using shortcut keys, users can streamline their workflow and accomplish tasks more effectively. This boosts overall productivity and helps in completing work faster.
  3. Ease of Use: Memorizing and using shortcut keys makes the software more user-friendly. Users can perform complex tasks with ease, even if they are not familiar with every menu or option in the software.
  4. Reduced Errors: Shortcut keys can help in reducing errors by providing direct access to specific functions. This minimizes the chances of selecting the wrong option or making mistakes during data entry or editing.
  5. Professionalism: Proficiency in using shortcut keys reflects a higher level of expertise and professionalism in computer usage. It demonstrates the user’s ability to work efficiently and effectively in a digital environment.
  6. Accessibility: For users with disabilities or mobility issues, shortcut keys can improve accessibility by providing alternative methods to perform tasks without relying solely on mouse or touch input.

In summary, knowing shortcut keys for computers or software like LibreOffice is crucial for improving efficiency, productivity, ease of use, reducing errors, showcasing professionalism, and enhancing accessibility for all users.